Tuesday, May 28, 2013


This week is meh. Monday sucked kinda, I was tired from having the worst cramps on Sunday. So bad I was over the toilet ready to barf. So that just sucked the life right outta me. I didn't get to go shopping or make food cuz I had zero energy +pain. So Monday I had no lunch, I had to buy a salad. When I got home I got some chicken ready for the oven. Put coconut milk, ginger, garlic, cardamon and ceyenne all over the meat. Put it in a glass casserole dish and stuck it in the over. About 5 minutes later I head a crash. Guess what happened?

I was pretty upset. Dinner ruined and a big mess, waste of good food. FUUUH.

So for dinner I got some italian chicken cutlet sangwidges. Fuckit.

Crossfit was good though, I smashed the metcon, using 25# dumbells for my thrusters, while the guy beside me used 20's.

I went to bed at around 1030, but played on the ipad for a bit. I need to be in bed by 10, and asleep before 11 if I'm waking up at 7 ish. I need 8 hours of sleep. It is a fact that it is a factor in weight loss and fitness. You need to friggin sleep more than 6 hours or your body just hangs onto fat. Truth. I ate at 9, which was like 2 hours before I slept-not good either. Ugh, get yourself together!

Today is like friggin October again, cold and wet.

I have to buy lunch again. WRST.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

May Chickapay

Well May has been up and down in all aspects of life. But let's try and live day to day, shall we?

This week I've been killing it at the gym. If I go tonight and Saturday, that's 5 days at CrossFit this week. I fucking love that, and I feel great. Aside from the kink in my neck which I think is from sleeping weird on it.

Clothes don't fit me like they used to. It's a combo if my increase in muscle and fat of course. I'm small up top, but thicker down below. I don't have dumps like a truck or anything, but I do have thick legs and arse. It's not convenient for shopping at cheapy stores like HM. Ugh I need to get dresses for the weddings I have coming up. Stress.


Sleep was shyte. I get fucked up sleeps when I'm PMS-ing. For the record, PMS means PRE-menstrual syndrome. Not CURRENT menstrual syndrome.

banana/blueberry/hempheart/coconut/blabla cereal. Not filling enough

Trail mix snack

Leftover tilapia + asparagus + avocado.

can't wait! slow cooking some chicken mexican style. yerp.

Friday, May 17, 2013


2 eggs, sauteed spinach + quinoa , cheddar cheese

trail mix. Wish I never discovered the stash.

Pre lunch:
strawberries, pantain chips

Late lunch:
spinach, quinoa, tuna salad. Dressing was lemon juice + oilive oil BORING.

Pre crossfit:
almonds and dates


shoulder presses 3RM was 65/70#.
backsquats 3x3@ 125#.

same as breakfast.

I'm addicted to crossfit, I love it.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Brief summ

The race was good, it was cold and windy and annoying in that sense but I completed it without walking. Which is great. It took about the same amount of time as the last two 10k races I participated in. I'm looking to do that 15km in August, just to set another goal for myself. I like that it's in the evening as well.

My diet recently has been very mixed, but moderate. I like it this way. Although I don't feel or look skinny, I feel alright with myself. I may be on the road to accepting my body for what it is. I don't want to go to great lengths for my ideal body because it likely won't happen and it will be really hard to keep up with in the long term. Right now, I'm focusing on getting my strength exercises in, winning at them, eating well, not starving and not being on a restrictive diet. If I feel like something, I get it. Except I always feel like eating cookies and I just can't these days.

I got a nice mani-pedi yesterday, and I forgot what it's like to have perfectly manicured nails. I like my nails in their natural state, 99% of the time, but a little colour is nice as well.

Vacation is coming up, looking forward to visiting the motherland yet again. I'll be documenting it all the way for sure.

Last night we went out for dinner because we felt like it. I had beer because I wanted it and dessert too. Although that dinner sat heavy in my stomach all night, the hot pepper sauce didn't help.

Tonight I crossfit and eat a light salad for dinner.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

10k Race Eve

'Tis the eve of the 10k which I haven't trained enough for. I know I can do it, it just might take me longer than the last two times. I reckon I'll complete it in 1:15. I'm drinking a beer right now, today's nutrition hasn't been best. Naughty.

I had a big breakfast of potatoes, eggs, bacon and bread. Also an unnecessary cupcake. I'm over this challenge.

At home later I had a rice cake + peanut butter. Now I'm drinking a Rickards Shandy, it's a light beer at least. Meh. I'm trying not to be too different with this race, just living life. I know I won't run out of "fuel", it's only 10km, not a marathon. I don't need to "carb load", so they say.

Dinner will be a nice steak and vegetables on the BBQ.

I'll let you know how the race goes. I'll be starting with some friends and my aunt. I think around 5 or 6 people. We want to grab breakfast after, hopefully somewhere walkable I don't want 3 stinky sweaty bodies in on my car seats without protection. Including my own stinky sweaty body, but I'll bring a towel or blanket to sit on.

Well, good luck everyone! Get a good night's sleep and stay hydrated. I'll be running on an empty stomach, I can't run with food in there.

If I enjoy this race I'm signing up for the Midsummer Night's Run in August, it's a 15km yikes!! But I like that it's in the evening and it's down by the beach, so it's nearby. Check out the photos, it's funny, people dress up in weird outfits. Cool!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Suddenly Summer

Two weeks ago it was cold, grey and shitty. Two weeks ago I was walking down my street, feeling frustrated that the trees were still bare and the clouds were still around wondering when the fuck the sun would show his fucking bright face. Then, out of nowhere it seems, the trees are green, flowers have bloomed and the sun is blazing. And I mean BLAZING. I went for an hour long run yesterday, (during peak sun time) and like and idiot I didn't wear sunscreen. I guess I didn't think it was a full summer sun. Guess who was wrong? And guess who has a permanent racer back tank top on her back now? Not to mention a red, sore fucking sunburn. A real sunburn. The girl gets no burn in the caribbean but a red back from an hour in the sun in Toronto. I mean, on vacation and in the summer I almost always wear sunscreen. But I neglected to do so yesterday and now I pay. Foolish gril. Skin damage. Ew, is it gonna peel? I haven't had one like this in like 20 years, not even kidding. I was even uncomfortable sleeping. Who am I?!!

Ok, let's talk about this challenge at work. I'm not stressing about it but I have to reset my points because I ate my forbidden things this weekend. Gluten and sugar.  But yesterday I was back on track.

Sleep wasn't great for obvious reasons.

Cereal: hemp hearts, 1/2 banana, raspberries, strawberries, coconut flakes, cacao nibs, almond/coconut milk, cinnamon. Goood. (Lyzabeth cereal haha)

Salmon (we planked some fresh salmon last night). our lives will never be the same.

Tuna, cherry tomatoes, avocado, kale, feta salad.

Crossfit was fucking hard, it was hot and my legs ached all night.