Tuesday, August 14, 2012

tired tuesdays

Went to bed too late last night. But I did go to crossfit and set some new records for myself.

130lb backsquat 1RM
80lb push press 1RM

I did think I was going to die doing that backsquat.

2 rice cakes, home made almond/walnut butter/raspberries

feeling a little fat these days. That is all. Need to step it up or buckle down on food or else I'll come back from holiday looking and feeling like a marshmallow.

salad w/tuna, tomato, avocado, balsamic dressing

grazed on grapes throughout the day

Snack 4pm
small bowl of crunchy cheetos. It's foolish NOT to eat cheetos. fackaff.

Ran 5.3km, it was a great night for running, nice and cool.

beef brisket on a bed of greens, w/cheddar cheese and sautéed red peppers/mushrooms.
1 beer - Corona. Oi you! it's a Molson product.

3 graham crackers. lerv graham crackahs get them out of my house.

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