Monday, October 15, 2012

The final countdown

This is the last work week of the challenge. It's funny, on the weekend I was thinking, I've been living like this for 4 weeks now, I can't see myself going back. I don't want to stop learning new paleo recipes and I don't want to go back to my old ways. I'm ok with never making rice or using dairy in my foods. I will eat cheese and treat myself when I feel a treat is needed and I won't make friends or family adjust their foods when I'm invited over. But everything in my control will be just that  - in my control, and if I feel like eating popcorn and butter one night, I shall. Cuz you know what will happen? I'll poo it out and move on with my life.

I can't wait to have a drink Saturday night. So what. You can't wait to eat ice cream I can't wait to have a drink. Both are vices and I'm not sorry.

My plan is to workout Mon/Tues/Thurs/Sat. Let's try and stick to it, yeah?

Sleep wasn't bad. I had bizarro dreams again.

2 eggs, 1/4 avocado, salsa, spinach.

Brought with me today:
leftover rogan josh/cauli mash/squash

1 apple

1 orange

some homemade coconut butter.

I plan on eating all of these things.

I dyed my hair on the weekend. I like it, it's a great time for dark hair. It's a semi permanent dye, because I was afraid to commit and I did it from a box (for the first time). Since my hair is short its the best time to experiment with colour - but i'm not bleaching it or highlighting it until it gets longer because bleach causes breakage and I can't afford that when I'm growing it out. I must admit I can't wait til my hair is bob-length. I am having cutters regret, I should have just gotten a shortER haircut and dyed it to satisfy my makeover needs. The good news is, it grows longer each day and I reckon it will be bob-ish by January. I've got a hair appointment in a week and a half and I'll get her to clean up the back but leave the rest.

That is all. Yay mondane.

Pre workout:
cashews and dates - so friggin good i could eat that combo til I feel sick. I'm srs.

Crossfit - felt geeeewwwwwd. Deadlifted 150lb x3. mint.

7 chicken wings, stir fried 1 red pepper/mushrooms, on top of spinachi.

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