Sunday, January 29, 2012

back from jamaica

And back on track. Of course I didn't eat paleo styles completely while I was at an all inclusive resort. And of course I drank. Not tons but daily. But now I feel bad and upset that everyone has done so well in the challenge and I've failed myself. :(

I only had like 3 beers all week, but there was vodka, wine, champagne... ugh. I was with a group of girls and I'm not using any excuses... but I figured, when the hell will I be in Jamaica again? I have every other week to eat properly and work out. MAKE ME FFEEL BETTER! most of my lunches were good n paleo but I had a few little buffet cakes here and there. And ice cream once. Seriously, make me feel better.

Today I was good. Bacon n eggs for breakfast, black coffee (which I kept up all week and every day. All of my breakfasts were perfect paleo except for one.) I like my coffee black now so it's nbd.

Lunch was a pepperoni stick, some walnuts, shredded coconut and 3 dates. Went to a bridal shower and only ate the veggies n guacamole. I had one bite of cheese.

Dinner at mom and dads: roast pork, artichoke hearts in a vinagrette, green salad and a carrot/sweet potato & pecan dish. It had butter and maple syrup n bourbon in it but I wasn't about to pick apart the ingredients.

And here I am about to boil some eggs for the week. I'm excited to get back into proper eating and feel great about it.

We went to bulk barn and got all kinds of almonds, cashews, almond flour and, my favourite.. coconut flour. I can't wait to make pancakes next weekend with that stuff.

anyhoo, bye.

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