My sleep was great considering I drank yesterday. Usually that means a disrupted sleep + waking up with anxiety at 5am. Didn't happen. Weird.
2 eggs + spinach + goat cheese
coffee obv.
Snack at work:
1 crappy apple + almond butter
Lunch brought from home (I hate buying my lunch. HATE). 2 reasons:
1) money
2) hidden calories. eating out is the death of my diet. eating out = fat stays. When I can't control my ingredients, my caloric intake hikes. more calories = more fat on my body. Can't have this.
spinach + red pepper + 2 hard boiled eggs + home made balsamic dressing. I'm all over eggs today.
Tonight Crossfit and BBQ sausages.
^ that happened. Minus the BBQ part.
Hit up crossfit, got my ass kicked, it was friggin hot yo. But good shit.
I had a protein smoothie afterwards then 1 sausage. Pan fried.
And an MC67 sublime before bed. So what.
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