I feel gross.
small handful cashews/macadamias + coffee
leftover beef fajitas on spinach w/cashew butter/salsa etc.
apple, orange.
I'm still so mad about Chinese food, and I hate that I'm hung up on it. I'm afraid it will affect my performance tonight at the gym. So ridiculous, need to get my priorities straight.
What is it, Michelle? Eat "treats" once a week and fuck up my strength training?
Or eat treats less than once a week and do better/feel better? Annoying.
The answer is so obvious but not easy for this inner fatty.
The rest of the week is clean eating FOSHE. I'll let you know how the fat test goes and how depressed I am on a scale of 1 to 10 later on. 10 being mega depressed.
Dinner tonight:
Eggplant strata.
Bed at 9:30.
I set some personal records tonight!
100 lb push press
130 lb front squat
Quite happy with this. It sort of erases the bad feelings about my 1.7% body fat increase. I'm working on getting better quality/ more sleep so hopefully that combined with good clean eating will shed that extra fat and more.
I'm considering doing the sporting life 10k again..but I'm a little worried that its all downhill. My knees aren't good with hills no mo. Perhaps I'll just add some running into my training regime, work on increasing my kms on my own without hills, and even try doing non hot yoga with Reen.
Today was a 100% success in terms of nutrition. Lets keep it up, self.
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