Monday, April 30, 2012

Tax pain

Today is the last day for taxes! I'm so happy I left my t4 at work so we couldn't finish them last night. Oh well, we're done and we don't owe. *phew*. And it will help with Euro 2012. Mint.

I am not recapping this weekend. It wasn't good, really. Although I did go to crossfit on Saturday and the first 3/4 of my Saturday was good, food-wise. Friday night I went to crossfit.

K, Monday, last week of April, first of May.. let's DO this. I'm telling you, once the good weather comes, running home. watch.

Breakfast - after an ok sleep, just not long enough.
rice cake x 2, almond butter and a bit of honey. Sorry that almond butter is gross and needs honey. Fail. We have no groceries. coffee obv.

frittata and salad from Fusaro's. Side of olives. Chucked the bread. I hate wasting food I should have told them to hold it.

Snack: 4pm
1 granny smith and good almond butter, the one from the g-stores.. got it from kensington though. Narine we need to go back there, maybe tomorrow.

pre crossfit: handful almonds

CROSSFIT. It was ok, i cheated on the burpees.

farmers sausage, sweet potatoes and broccoli.

tea time.

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